The Tattoo Room

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"Another Reality" from my Journal 8/15/21

It has come to my attention that last week, what I thought was sleep walking was actually me popping into a different reality. Is it possible sleep walk if you are awake? I was trying to sleep in my RV next to my friend, Jen, with great difficulty. She was having breathing issues due to her allergies to my pets, and her breathing was very raspy and she was coughing in my face after every exhale. I was fairly annoyed because I wanted to sleep but couldn’t. Jen got up and announced she needed to take an allergy pill and returned to bed with this green thing on her face. She told me, “I needed my nebulizer.” And she crawls into bed and I fall asleep quickly because I no longer hear her breathing. The next morning, I woke up and was surprised to find Jen was not sleeping next to me. She was sleeping out in her car. RV doors are not quiet and I didn’t hear her leave. When she came in, I asked her, “When did you move to your car?”

She says, “I got up and took an allergy pill, and went to my car to sleep.”

“No, you got up, took an allergy pill and came back to bed with a nebulizer on your face.” I answered.

“What the fuck is a nebulizer?” She asked.

“I don’t know! You’re the one who told me it was a nebulizer.”

kenshin wearing nebulizer mask

Published: Jan 18, 2021

by eve1789 on Devian Art

I was pretty confused about the whole thing. We googled ‘nebulizer’ and it is a face mask used for asthma but the one in the image online was clear. Greg later told us they do come in green as well, from his knowledge of time working in a pharmacy. I thought maybe I was dreaming about some specific medical knowledge I could have from a past life or something, but it didn’t make sense because I wasn’t asleep, in fact, we were talking to each other. The only thing that does make sense is that I popped into another reality where Jen wears a nebulizer when she has asthma attacks. Who knows what other differences there may be in her life to facilitate that change? A better job? Better health insurance? When I posed these ideas to her, Jen was disappointed that in another reality she still was allergic to animals. Maybe there is a reality where she isn’t?

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