Fairy Past Life, Journal Entry From 4/14/22
It’s my birthday and 30th anniversary tattooing. Woohoo! I came to a revelation that I may have already touched on in previous journal entries, but that’s because I’m typing them a year after I already wrote it in my journal and can edit my experiences as I understand them better. I had given Michael Shaman ( http://www.mylightcenter.com ) a framed picture of Precious, my gollum, and now he is getting peaked on by a gollum of his own. He is excited to have one, and is calling him Rascal, although I don’t think he’s as rascally as Precious. My gollum is like a toddler, always playing with window blinds or jumping around. He’s kind of hyper and childish. I think having the print of Precious somehow attracted one to his house. Like, they know you are into them or something? Rascal is a relative of Precious. The fairies and other beings from this dimension know that I draw them. I can tell by the way they really show themselves to me, moving their heads so I can see all the angles. And the Amabie knows when you hang a drawing of them I think, because how else would hanging a drawing of them help you heal? It could simply be the belief that hanging the picture makes your mind heal yourself. Placebo is 70 percent effective in healing which is a great example of the power of our own minds.
But, then there was the alien print I gave my friend Greg. After putting it up, he had a negative energy in his room that his dog felt too. He had to turn the print of the Reptilian around and then the negative energy was gone. Greg is more sensitive to energy than most, someone else might not have noticed the difference. I talked to my daughter, Morgen about this idea about my prints and she agreed that my drawings are manifesting. I need to draw myself winning the lottery….
Last time Morgen saw Michael Shaman for an appointment, he said that she had a red haired fairy hanging around her. The fairy knows Morgen from a past life, when Morgen was also from this family of red haired fairies. It seems a few of Morgen’s friends in this life were also fairies with her. I can tell which ones were because they are all gorgeous, and they are all sensitive to the point of being nearly clairvoyant. They can’t hold a candle to Morgen’s abilities, but if they meditated they would be much more clairvoyant if they wanted to be. I’m starting to notice when someone is incarnated from that dimension more. They have a connection to nature that is stronger than average. They love gardening and plants, and being crafty. They are very romantic and really want love. It’s a priority to them. I actually was sitting across from my friend Cynthia, who I’ve known since I was 12 years old. And all of a sudden I saw fairy wings behind her, and it just made so much sense. She has been searching for love her whole life and is giddy happy about her relationship now. Fairies come from a place of love, so this human experience can be very jarring for them. Even her face has a fairy like quality that I recognize from drawing so many different ones. Plus, her interests have always been art, sewing, music and cooking. I don’t know that she is connected to nature as much as I’ve seen other Middle Kingdom incarnates, but she does hike a hell of a lot. I don’t know how to explain it, but I can get a quick glimpse at a person’s past life occasionally. Of course, they probably have many past lives, but it’s pretty cool to see the bleed over in their face structure from another life, or a bleed over of their interests and talents.
I drew Morgen and one of her friends as their past life selves. They currently aren’t friends anymore. I think they will be again. Your soul team are no joke. People think that when they meet a soulmate, it’s going to be a Hallmark romance and I’m here to say that sometimes it’s going to be a tough lesson.