Past Life Traumas, Journal Entry From 9/24/22
I had the best appointment with Michael Shaman ( ) to date. I went to deal with the sword cut I had felt my whole life and a drowning that I was aware of from a meditation. I had felt a stab in my gut many times when I was younger and the pain would make me double over, and blood would pour out of my nose. I also had a dream when I was 17 that I was laying on my back, and I could see heads on sticks around me. I had the feeling at the time that it was the last thing I saw once. So, when I was 23 and had gone to a past life reading, I wasn’t surprised when they mentioned that I was a warrior that had been cut from shoulder to waist. The stabbing pain stopped happening after I turned 27 years old, so I think that’s about when I outlived myself in another life. Since that injury, I was told that I died in many lives from illnesses that stemmed from that cut. The next day after the past life reading, I saw my dad and he pretended to chop me with his hand in just the same place that my cut happened. He had done that my whole life, actually. It was a joke of his, to pretend to chop me and then we would look out the window and he would say, “Show me where you want to be buried.” I had a feeling that my dad was my adversary on the battlefield after this time that he chopped at me. And when I told him what I thought, he said, “After you were born, for 3 days in a row I dreamt that I cut you.” I never heard that before.
I also had another death that I had seen in meditation, mentioned in my Journal Entry from April 6th. I saw that I had drowned but never dealt with the trauma at a shaman appointment. The past life reading in my 20s did mention a drowning but he had no details about it. He did warn me not to be near water, but even then I was thinking, “No way!” You can’t keep me out of the water. Snorkeling reef is one of my favorite things.
This was the first time I had gone to Michael’s with an agenda of what I wanted worked on. Normally, we just deal with whatever comes up on its own. He saw right away the sword fight that I wanted removed from my timeline. My dad was there in spirit and did remember his involvement in the battle. We were related to each other and fighting in Mongolia. I was the general of Kublai Kahn’s army, my dad was on one of his relatives side fighting for the throne. I was surprised to run into my dad (whatever relation we had in that life) on the battlefield. And that surprise is how I lost. My dad felt really guilty about it, but helped in my healing session saying everything with us. Michael said he’s never had a spirit help like that before. Removing the trauma, forgiving each other, healed me and my dad’s karma. He actually said he felt much lighter afterwards, like he had more freedom to go anywhere now. He may have been stuck on the earthly plane or lower dimensions because of unresolved karma. I don’t know.
Michael soul braided my Mongolian life, and that fixed my solar plexus chakra. It had been running with missing energy for lifetimes and now I have all my energy. My eyes looked different after this appointment. They glowed more. A few of the closest people in my life noticed it, too.
When we got to the drowning, Michael said the ship I was on went down fast and it was unexpected. I popped out of body under water and didn’t suffer through the drowning, but we still dealt with the body’s trauma. I connected with other past lives while I was underwater. This is when I learned that I had a life as a mermaid, and one of my spirit animals was with me at the drowning, the seahorse. I had red hair in this life, and a mate that I had a great life with. I was curious and watching an under water city of aliens, and really wanted to go into their city but couldn’t. The merman is around me but I have yet to meet him again in this life. Maybe soon. I’m curious how we will know each other, but it seems we always know our soul group when we meet.
Illustration of The Little Mermaid from Hans Christian Andersen