Healing Mother Earth, Journal Entry From 8/28/22
I had another awesome healing session with my friend Meike in Germany via zoom. This time we focused on Earth and Mother Nature. We were surprised to learn that Earth has a funny sense of humor! When called into the healing circle with us, Earth said, “How can I enter a circle when I’m all around you?” And then she said, “I’ll send in my younger self,” and she sent in a small globe the size of a tennis ball. On the 26th of August, 2022, Lion’s Gate portal opened and the Pleiadians have been helping Earth and it has something to do with the pyramids, according to information from Meike. So, I tell Meike to pull Michael Shaman’s higher self into our healing circle because he was Imhotep in a past life, who built the first pyramid. I also tell her to pull in my sister Julie’s higher self because I believe she is a Pleiadian starseed, but at the very least she has a Pleiadian spirit guide, named Eli.
Meike saw a plug that was being pulled on Earth to release energy, which were traumas the Earth has absorbed. Imagine all the energy from wars and illness that has soaked into Earth, or how many times we ground and send negative energy down into Earth to be transmuted. Also, the pressure from shifting from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension has also got to be released. The plug Meike saw got pulled and the immense pressure ran through us. It was intense! I can’t really describe what if felt like accurately, but Meike and I never felt anything like it before, kind of like if high pressure air was rushing through your body. I told Meike to be sure to have her feet on the ground to help ground it out because it felt like we were the pressure valves being used to release all the energy. I asked Michael later if he noticed anything, and he said he felt it and knew something was going on. Meike said we were instrumental, that humans were necessary to ground in the process. We connect to Earth through our root chakras, and to the Universe through our crown chakras. We are the middle, the conduits. It was an awesome experience.
Mother Nature was also present. I’ve seen her a few times already and drawn her which I mentioned in an earlier blog. She wants us to share about her, so that people understand that she is real. What we believe collectively becomes a collective consciousness, and it is fairly powerful and hurtful to beings when we either don’t believe in them, or fear or dislike them on a grand scale. I don’t really understand fully why, except I know that we are creators and we manifest whether we believe in manifesting or not. So, what we believe shapes reality. If a whole planet doesn’t believe in a very real Mother Nature, that is detrimental to her.
Meike and I both heard the Aretha Franklin song, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me” in our heads. Mother Nature wants respect. I think when we have a natural disaster like a hurricane, or flooding, we get these ideas that Mother Nature is something to be feared. Fear is another negative thing that would be detrimental to her. I think she wants us to come at her from a place of respect, not fear. It’s something to consider because the power of hurricanes are scary, but so is cancer and we aren’t fearful of our own cells. Just a thought.
The third thing that came up from Mother Nature involved wind. This was funny to me because I live in a very windy place some times of the year. In fact, the city I live in is named “Simi” from a Chumash word “shimiji”meaning “wind”. A month of every year has wind gusts that range from 60-100MPH and it’s really destructive. A poorly disposed cigarette butt can make our whole city encircled in flames because the wind pushes a tiny brush fire into an inferno faster than firefighters can put it out. Recently as I was tired of the wind, I said, “Wind is the most useless of weathers!” But days later, my mom was telling me she watched a show about how the wind picked up topsoil and put it in the ocean and the bacteria in topsoil fed algae, which fed the rest of the ocean food chain. And it made me laugh because just days earlier I called it useless. So now, Mother Nature is also pointing out the usefulness of wind. She said the wind picks up negative energy and moves it around so it doesn’t accumulate in one place, and stagnate. So, she also clearly heard my statement and had something to say about it. Do I live somewhere where negative energy would otherwise stagnate without wind? That’s a whole other discussion! Meike is going to do a crystal grid and we are going to post that on Facebook, along with my drawing of Mother Nature to help people realize she is real. She has chosen me to channel for her because I appreciate her. I am so thankful to be of service.
Prints of Mother Nature can be purchase by emailing me. doberosler@me.com