Another Great Shaman Appointment, From Journal Entry 1/26/22
I had an appointment with Michael Shaman today and it was awesome as usual. I have continued to see Michael since he helped me with my haunted house in January 2021. My root chakra is usually all wonky when I arrive and this time was no different, except somehow it was split into 3 different parts, which he’s never seen before. I had a masculine, feminine and androgynous part of my root chakra, but they all spun the pendulum the same. I think I need to ground more often. For those that don’t know, grounding is more about imagining roots growing from your feet into the Earth, then it is about touching the Earth. However, there are great benefits to getting a good amount of contact with the Earth, and it is explained really well in a documentary called The Earthing Movie. I do both, and have grounding sheets to ground for an extended time because I’m a fire sign and need more grounding than someone who is an Earth sign.
Michael looks at one of my chakras and sees that I’ve been astral traveling to another planet often enough to have a new spirit guide assigned to me who is Arcturian. I haven’t remembered my dreams very well since spending 15 years on sleeping pills, but have meditated and seen a blue alien’s face. I also saw a bearded long haired man, who was attractive, that I believed was my gladiator spirit guide. I asked his name once and heard Arthur. I asked Michael what the alien’s name is, and he said, “Arthur, you can call him Art.” It turns out that Arcturian aliens are shape shifters, so the bearded man was still the alien shifted into an angel and not my gladiator. I have seen alien technology as well and thought that while I was meditating, I was remote viewing space. But, Michael tells me that when I’m doing that, I am actually sending out one af my astral bodies that is traveling there.He says we have 7 astral bodies, one for each of our chakras. I send out an astral body from my 3rd eye chakra, where others will send out one of their astral bodies from a different chakra based on which is strongest usually. My vision isn’t completely clear when I see these faces but Michael says the more I meditate and travel, the clearer my vision will get. He also says that I’ve gone to this planet enough times, that I’ve been able to adjust my frequency for their planet. Then, Michael looked at my past life as an Arcturian. He was able to call that life forward. I have red hair and my name is Reeshna. I talk about this aspect of myself in the present tense because time is only linear in our dimension. So, “past” lives can be out of order or even simultaneous. It’s messes with your mind to think about it too much. Reeshna was willing to be braided with me in a process Michael calls ‘soul braiding’. I’ve had a few past lives braided in now, and you can feel a difference afterwards. It’s hard to explain but you can access knowledge about something that you had skills with in that particular life. It’s really cool and I highly recommend it! Art was excited that we did this because he will be able to communicate with me easier now. Before we just looked at each other and he pantomimes things mostly, for lack of a better description. Or sometimes I get one word placed in my mind. I am excited to see what the difference might be with Reeshna on board.
I told Michael at the end of our session that we had a famous house guest for a month, the ghost of Charles Manson. Before I could ask him not to push him in the light, Michael saw him hanging around my appointment and pushed him already. I said, “Michael! Why did you do that? He didn’t seem ready to go.”
Michael offered to pull him back out, or put some of his family members at my house, which I said wasn’t necessary. But I did want to know if Charlie was happy. Michael said, “Yes, he was easy to push in, so part of him wanted to go. He didn’t know he could go in the light because of his bad karma. He is happy now.” If Michael hadn’t of pushed Charlie, then he may have been another soul stuck on the Earthly plane afraid of the light. I’m afraid we have too many of those lost souls as it is, so this was a good thing.
Art, my Arcturian spirit guide. I only really see his face and so the back head shape may be off. Maybe one day I will see him better to get this more accurate.