My Same Wave
Me on my wave, sort of. Photo by Karey Cottrell
I started journaling in August 2021, after writing my book The Haunted Guesthouse. I had a hard time remembering all the details of things I experienced over the 13 years that my house was horribly haunted. lt was a real mental exercise to recall things chronologically, and I’m afraid many details were lost forever. A few, I luckily remembered at a later date and went back into the story to add them. I had to ask my friends and family about their memories to try rounding out the story. The book is great as it is, and a quick read. I’ve read it cover to cover in 2 hours. But after writing it, I stumbled across a journal I wrote when I was 22 years old, and even though I forgot so many things that I had experienced back then, reading the journal brought everything back to my mind fresh. That’s when I realized that if I journal everything now, then I will have notes if I need them for any future books, or even just for the sake of my own memory.
I would say that I have always experienced things differently than people around me. I currently am in Facebook groups with people who are more like me, but of course would like to meet more in real life as well, who see things the way I do and are on my same wave. I only have a handful of friends and family members in my life who I can talk to about my experiences. Don’t get me wrong, it’s literally all I talk about, but I risk sounding crazy most of the time. These things are all around us all the time and most people don’t notice it. They could, but they don’t. So, I don’t think I’m special at all. I think I’m a noticer, though. Some paranormal groups on Facebook are filled with paranormal investigators and they fight about whether there is any evidence or proof of your experiences. And even the groups where everyone is psychic, they still experience things differently from each other. I actually really enjoy the differences, some of them are in tune with spirits, one absorbs negative energy and transmutes it, there are medical intuitive, and tarot readers. It’s a fun mix. I experience different dimensions, aliens, and paranormal. I liken it to a radio that has many channels. Our dimension is dense, and it is easy to be constantly distracted by work and bills and fighting on social media. The other dimensions are just different frequencies that we can focus on, like turning the radio channel. The people who are clairvoyant and see ghosts can easily adjust to the frequency that is just a bit higher vibration than our own. Aliens, angels and other dimensions can actually be much higher vibration than ours and it is a little harder to see. That’s where my interests are mostly these days. Anyway, I plan to upload some of my journal entries from last year along with drawings I’ve done trying to correctly document what I’ve seen from these other vibrations. Because there is a lot of artwork classified as fantasy, that I have come to find are real but they weren’t drawn the way they actually look.
I hope you enjoy reading these experiences, and maybe they resonate with you and your own experiences. If they don’t, then maybe you can learn how to experience them too from my own stumblings into these topics. And if you just don’t believe or want to know anything about this and I sound crazy, then that’s fine too. There are blogs about making more money out there and other mundane topics for you to enjoy. So, I won’t tolerate rudeness, but welcome thoughtful discussion.