Reeshna on Patrol, Journal Entry From 2/23/22
Morgen was too scared to sleep in her own house after her attack the night before. (See previous blog) She slept in bed with me. I lay next to her and worried about protecting her. I talked to my spirit guide, Art, in my mind, and asked for help. Then, my past life self as an Arcturian, that I had soul braided, clicked in. I felt it in my stomach. Reeshna took over and locked in. I saw her throw a protection over our house in a way that I’ve never heard of before. We usually imagine a bubble of golden white light around ourselves as a protection against negative energy. Anyone who is involved with spirituality or metaphysics knows this method. (As a side note, I highly recommend more people ‘bubble up’ in their daily lives, as well as grounding multiple times a day.) But Reeshna threw what looked like a fishing net over my house made of multi-colored light. It was fascinating to watch. And then, she did perimeter around my house. I had the view from her eyes as she stealthily floated about 2 feet above ground and rounded each corner of my house. She was on patrol and I could rest easy, however didn’t sleep much. I told Michael about this experience in the morning, and he threw 4 gargoyles on my property to guard Morgen, one in each corner.
My friend, Sam, dreamt that the thing that attacked Morgen was a tall lanky grey and he was ransacking her house looking for something. We suspect he was looking for the portal that Morgen closed. I feel it was more the Reptillian’s doing than a grey, but we still don’t know for sure. And we may never know, because whatever it was is gone now. One thing is for certain, getting a past life soul braided works.
The way Reeshna throws protections resembled throwing a fishing net made of multicolored light ropes.
At Morgen’s Saturday shaman appointment, Michael taught us how to cloak ourselves so we don’t bring home anymore unwanted visitors. He also taught us to cloak our home. It was just a different kind of visualization. It’s amazing how powerful our imaginations really are.
My sister, Julie, has a few more aliens for me to draw from her encounters on the astral. She met a Nordic and a grey that helped her when she was lost. I’m getting behind on my drawings! I have a bunch of fairies to get done as well. Not enough hours in the day!:)