Shaman Appointment With Special Guests, Journal Entry From 5/1/22
I had another amazing appointment with Michael Shaman. ( Michael’s website for anyone interested: Tell him Danielle sent you;) Precious, my gollum, went along with me to see his cousin Rascal. I didn’t see him in the car, but felt his energy so when I was laying on Michael’s table and he said that I brought someone with me to the appointment, I said, “Precious.”
Michael heard Precious say, “How did she know?'“ Because I’m getting better at trusting my feelings and intuition, Precious.
I had something weighing on my heart that week. My ex-husband called and asked me to do a favor for him. His wife is Catholic and he wants to start doing charity work with the church. The church asked him to provide a letter from me, signed by a witness, stating that I wasn’t baptized before we were married and never was baptized since. I agreed but felt it was so intrusive and personal that they needed this from me. I never was baptized, so I wrote the letter but had a gross feeling as I put it in the envelope. I didn’t know if I should mail it. This church was going to file it away in their catacombs in the “Going to Hell According to Us” cabinet and the judgement felt so yucky. I have come to believe that we create our own afterlife with our beliefs and never worried about going to hell or judgement in a biblical sense. But what if a whole church condemning me was enough to override my own plans? It was such a bummer. And I understand why they wanted it, too. To make my first marriage illegitimate, like it never happened because I’m a heathen. To ensure that his current marriage is legitimate and that they won’t be bothered running into me in heaven because I won’t be there. I can only say, that even though I don’t subscribe to any of these ideas, it doesn’t feel good. They definitely don’t make Hallmark cards for moments like this. It made me cry, and felt so intrusive on my personal information. I decided before mailing it off, that I should call Michael Shaman and make sure I wasn’t locking away my soul somewhere bad by trying to do the thing that would ensure the greatest good, my ex-husband would be free to do charity work with his church.
Funny enough, apparently he had taken a shower years ago and his wife walked in and without asking, performed a baptism on him that the church considers real. She said the right words while water poured on him. So strange, since he didn’t decide to get baptized. It just happened at him, right? I just don’t get organized religion at all.
Michael assured me that if I don’t believe that this letter will affect my outcome, then it won’t. It’s just that simple. So I dropped the envelope in the mail. His wife, of Jewish decent, had to do the same thing for her first husband, so that he could be remarried to a Catholic woman. It was nice that they were experienced with my situation. I showed up to my appointment not knowing what would come up. Lo and behold, Michael says that Jesus showed up to help with my appointment and to let me know that being baptized is not a rule he ever made about going to heaven. It’s a rule written by man and their judgments won’t affect me. Apparently, many things he tried to teach us were twisted and he is more revered here on earth than he likes. He prefers being called Sananda, or at least this fractal of him does. He is pure love. I was blown away that he was there for me and was more emotional about it than I would expect for not feeling particularly religious. Then, Michael said that Buddha and Mohammed were there too. All the enlightened beings came for my appointment and it made me feel so good.
Very hard to see from all the light coming from him, but roughly what I saw when I meditated and saw Sananda (Jesus) myself
My spirit guide Art also was there, and he is Arcturian. He let me know that I can tap into the hive mind of Arcturians whenever I need. I have had a hard time seeing with my third eye because my ear crystals were out of whack. Michael said to hang my head off the table and turn it side to side to try and get them moved. I tried that for awhile but ended up doing the Tibetan 5 Rites and that really helped. The spinning in one of the rites was just the ticket for my inner ears. Look them up, you can follow a video to do them yourself.
I later meditated and saw Sananda (Jesus) myself. He had so much light coming from him that he actually was very hard to see. My drawing does NO justice to how really beautiful he looks. I was shocked at how easy he is to connect with in contrast to how many people think they need a priest to talk to him on their behalf. They really are an unnecessary go between that made the priests more powerful than they should be. Anyone can talk and connect with the various religious figureheads, or enlightened beings if they want.
Another later meditation, I was laying on my couch and I thought I was seeing Jesus and then realized it was an angel as he turned his body and showed me his wings. My spirit guide, Art, shape shifts into an angel form I remembered. He took a hand and slowly waved it over my body which was admittedly not feeling awesome because I was ill with covid. As he did this, I felt my internal organs being moved like a hand was in my stomach area physically moving things. It was so trippy. He was doing a healing on me. I remembered years earlier taking my daughter, Morgen, to a healer who called on angels. She said it felt like someone moved her organs with an invisible hand then, too. (I believe I took her to this man if anyone is interested: It was years ago and my memory isn’t great but this looks right to me.)