The Judgemental Ghost, Journal Entry From 5/25/22
I was laying on my couch and my dog, Jasper, was barking for no reason at something I couldn’t see. He often barks at Precious, my gollum roommate, so I figure the two of them are messing with each other. All of a sudden, I felt water drips hit my arm. When I ran my hands over my arm, it was dry though. I checked that there was no water coming from my ceiling for some reason, but my ceiling was dry. Water hit my arm five times and I thought the gollum must be up to something. He is really hyper and playful, like a young child, always messing with things.
Later, I asked my daughter, Morgen about what that was and she said I had a cultish Christian woman come through my house. She said, “Wow, she threw a lot of holy water on you! She doesn’t like your tattoos or the artwork on your walls.” To be fair, I have a painting of myself as a witch flying on a broom through space that a friend Bill Snedden painted. It’s a mystery to me why someone who is so religious would still be roaming around on the earth plane, judging people, when she could be in the light with Jesus himself. She was gone already by the time Morgen woke up, just a passerby as we call them.
Witch Painting by Bill Snedden