Paracon, Journal Entry From 6/7/22
Thursday was my daughter, Morgen’s last day of school. Her friends Lexi and Amelia came over, and one of them brought a negative energy from school with them. Morgen heard a loud knock on the wall and then the TV went black and then it went to the Netflix search window. The negative being typed, “I hear you” into the search. Morgen couldn’t see this one, so it was hiding from her. I called Michael Shaman ( ) who told us it was on the ceiling. He said she doesn’t have to see it, just grab the energy that she feels. So, without seeing it, Morgen threw this being into the light. Funny enough, one of her friends became too scared to come to our house after this. They literally drove it over! In my opinion, we are the exact right people to drive your demons to.
Friday and Saturday was Paracon in Ventura. I was a speaker, and brought Michael, Precious and Rascal with me. We did the haunted ghost tour of The Majestic Theater on the first day and I never knew how many people died in that theater before! I go there for punk shows all the time, so it was cool to walk around upstairs in the dressing rooms and hear about the history from Stefan Brigati, who manages the theater and does paranormal investigations. The theater had been used by the mafia for gambling and as a whore house, so there were many active rooms. The first room upstairs had been the location of a murder and it made Michael and I feel dizzy and nauseous just like my guesthouse used to feel. That feeling is a yucky memory. I had to grab the wall of the hallway not to fall over completely. There was another room that people were tortured in that had a hoist over a trapdoor in the floor. Bodies were obviously disposed of by dropping them through the trapdoor to the ground floor. The energy was really bad in there, in fact the door is kept locked for that reason. Stefan said someone went crazy from spending too much time in there. But after peering in there, Michael was backing away and waving his arms above his head and fanning his hands away from the room. I asked what he was doing, and he said there were 5 trapped souls in there who wanted out. He opened a portal and was waving the people through to the light. You really could feel the air movement from that portal and the spirits flying by, another lady even commented on it and got goose bumps. Later, when we went to lunch, the Native American shamans from Unearthing the Supernatural walked up and told Michael they saw him open the portal and move people on. It was cool to hear that they could see everything too.
That night, I had interference in my bedroom. Someone was messing with my cellphone as I was trying to tell my sister about the convention. I asked Morgen who it was, and she said a prankster. I asked if he was tall with red hair? And she said yes, so I knew it was the prankster, Chester, that Stefan had mentioned that was a maintenance guy at the theater back in the day. I believe he fell from the chandelier on the ceiling while working up there. Michael also had a spirit, probably the same one, try to enter his house but was unsuccessful because of his protections which must have pissed him off because he had cans of epoxy or varnish thrown around his garage. Later, when he cleaned up the mess he never found the cans the mysterious epoxy came from.
Saturday, Morgen came with us to the convention. All the dangerous rooms were locked, like the projection room which we didn’t even get to look in on Friday during the tour because the spirit in there is too dangerous. He throws people down stairs. But, as Morgen walked by the doors would unlock and open. A generator started in the projection room on its own. When Morgen went to the restroom, she was followed by something that was rattling her bathroom door and she got scratched up on her stomach.
There was a different creature there as well. Stefan has either a Zouwu or a Nundu on his spirit team. Reminds me of the creature in Fantastic Beasts 2 that Newt lures with a cat toy into his suitcase. I believe it’s from Asian folktales, and was leaping around the theater in big jumps, which tracks with the Fantastic Beast creature as well. It came up to our table to check out our gollum’s which it had never seen before. He didn’t have a name so we started calling him Leo because he resembles a lion. He didn’t mind the name.
I drew this with Morgen’s help, as I didn’t see this one. Michael and Morgen did clearly though.